Chengfang Liu

Full Stack Web Developer


Hi, my name’s Chengfang Liu and I’m a senior Full Stack web developer engineer. 15 years of software development experience and 10+ years of full-stack experience, with multinational cooperation project background and excellent coding and system design skills, especially proficient in Laravel ecosystem.


  • Programming languages: PHP, C#, Javascript, JAVA, Python, R, Swift, Latex, Markdown
  • Framework: Laravel, Vue, React, Flutter, Next.js, React Native, TailwindCSS, AlplineJS, Livewire
  • Testing: Unit Test, Integrated Test, Browser Test
  • Front End: HTML, CSS, Gulp, Sass, Less, Webpack, PostCSS
  • Databases: MySQL, PgSQL, PDO, SQLite, SQL Server
  • Version Control/ CodeBase: Svn, Git, CI, PHPDoc, Packagist, Npm, Rubygems
  • Data Analysis: Python, R, IMB SPSS



11/2023 - Present / Software Engineer / Hamilton, New Zealand

  • Develop an AI-driven tool for generating customizable web components.
  • Developing Laravel/Vue based CMS.
  • Design and build the API and SDK.

University of Waikato

03/2023 - Present / Research Programmer of Artificial Intelligence Institute (Casual Contract) / Hamilton, New Zealand

  • Assist with the programming for a machine learning related academic research project as a programmer.
  • Python and Java used to implement machine learning algorithms and models.
  • Benchmark and visualization to evaluate and optimize the performance.

Internet Media Publications

06/2008 - 02/2023 / Full Stack Developer

  • Worked closely with USA’s development team to design, build and operate highly secure feasible technical solutions, and upgraded and improved the technology stack according to the project requirements.
  • Managed the complete software development process from conception to deployment.
  • Upgraded the software following deployment, and built efficient interfaces and page interactions.
  • Analyzed the project requirements, and worked with team members in the USA to customize solutions.
  • Prepared technical documentation, including technical solutions, user manuals, and test reports.


Online Video Membership System

Full Stack Developer

Project Description: A video/image membership sales site developed using the Laravel framework, with a membership of $29.90 per month and unlimited access to all content within site.

  • Discussed project requirements with project leaders from USA companies and controlled the project schedule.
  • Designed the program according to the project requirements, including front-end& back-end full-stack development.
  • Analyzed the initial pure PHP version and the upgrade/update requirements of the Codeigniter framework.
  • Completed the application of the latest technologies such as Laravel, Vue, Tailwindcss, etc. and integrated various online payment systems.
  • Summarized the core data indicators of the website, analyzed the causes of data fluctuations and specified SEO optimization solutions.

Vacation travel booking website

Full Stack Developer

Project Description The website was developed using PHP, customers can book travel packages online, and the system automatically generates reminders to company staff and related service providers. The website also supports an online booking payment system.

  • Analyzed and discussed project requirements, solutions and planning with project leaders in USA companies.
  • Managed the full-stack development of the front-end and back-end of the project, tested the project operation and reported the project development progress at different stages.
  • Designed the page and realized all functions through PHP, JavaScript, and CSS, including the function to automatically generate PDF files and send reminders to administrators and travel service providers after successful booking and payment.

WeChat Mini Program (Lucky Cat Draw)

Full Stack Developer

Project Description: Developed a WeChat Mini Program - “Lucky Cat Draw” for a Japanese company. The Mini Program is calledAPI to read the background data and present it to the user, who can use the Mini Program to draw a lottery.

  • Communicated with the Japanese project team and planned the function and layout of the Mini Program.
  • Designed and developed the front-end pages of the Mini Program according to the preference and positioning of the customers using Tencent’s WeChat native development language and tools.
  • Laravel and Nova frameworks were used for the back-end management side, supporting multi-role administrators with different permissions for system management.
  • The Mini Program completes different functions by calling APIs, including membership level, recommendation mechanism, lottery rules, data analysis, etc.


University of Waikato

Master of Information Technology

2023.01 / Waikato, New Zeanland